Continuing the Installation AWKWARD SILENCE, the topic of home remains central in my sculptural work. I am building the interior of a space, a house, interior of home. A wall, a very basic element of every room is presented autonomously. It divides interior from exterior, it provides privacy, but also divides being in from being out. The sculpture creates a line, a devision in the space. The height is the height of my eyes, one can stand behind it but still see over it, on the other side. On another level the wall, can also be seen in a larger socio-political context, a border between east and west, the wealthy and the poor, a place immigration and exile.
A further element of an Interior is the floor. It transforms painterly surfaces into tiles. Fascinated by the ornamental tiles - and walking the tight border between art and design, the tiles appear unapologetically applied. Yet the marble texture is exchanged by abstract painting surfaces - material pretends to be something that it`s not. Installation can be adopted to the given space with its variable dimensions and with its modular nature. Thinking of its perfomative potential - when the tiles are taken away, dislocated from the their defined position - the ground beginns to dissolve, relating to the metaphor of loosing the ground under the feet - when immigrating, when loosing home, when moving away, when changing.